Dr Gayathri Nadarajan

Dr Gayathri Devi Nadarajan is an Emergency Medicine specialist at Singapore General Hospital with a special interest in Pre-Hospital, Community and Global Health
“Working with like minded people outside the hospital helps remind me of the passion that drove me to do medicine in the first place- which is to help people. Everything we do at work is to improve the lives of the people we treat… and even if we cannot t“
– Treasurer
“In the emergency department, we are the first people the patient gets to see; we are there when it matters most and we get the chance to make a difference in their lives. For the ill where the first few minutes matter, we have to make quick decisions and stabilise him with the aim of giving him the best chance of survival such that he walks out of hospital.” It was the passion she found from Emergency Medicine that drove her to be involved in international humanitarian and community health projects such as the DARE programme, where she teaches CPR to the community.
She strongly believes that good healthcare starts at home and through education. “Education is a powerful tool that can transform healthcare. It can have a sustainable effect, greater than the medications we prescribe” Together with her husband, they lead medical students to Nepal for their Overseas Community Involvement Project, where they aim to help improve health systems in the inaccessible mountainous villages.
Humanitarian work starts at home and she hopes to be able to do more for the local community through societies like AWDS. “It is an honour to be part of the AWDS, where I have the opportunity to work with such a strong and amazing team to try make a difference in the women community.”
Besides work, she enjoys, trekking, cycling, running and swimming and immersing in nature. This helps her to rejuvenate and build inner strength.