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Join the Association of Women Doctors (Singapore)

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AWDS HERun 2025

Join us in making a meaningful impact this International Women's Day by supporting the AWDS HERun: The AWDS Health and Empowerment Run, proudly organized by the Association of Women Doctors Singapore (AWDS). Our event mission is to raise funds for women’s health...

About Us

The Association of Women Doctors (Singapore) was registered in July 1998 after a year and a half of discussion by a group of women doctors. The idea of forming a doctor’s association for doctors was first mooted by orthopaedic surgeon and former NMP Dr Kanwaljit Soin.

It was felt that women doctors could and did make significant health and social contributions and it was time to get noticed, many doctors were very enthusiastic about the formation of the AWDS and there were over 300 respondents during the inaugural meeting where a protem committee was elected.

Ordinary membership is open to all female medical and dental practitioners over the age of 18 years registered with the Singapore Medical or Dental Councils respectively.

Life Membership

S$ 1000

Single Payment


S$ 100

Age Below 65


S$ 50

Age 65 & Above

Click below fill up our membership form

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Charity work, Public forums & Public health education, Spa treat, Gourmet cooking classes, Fashion for the professional women, Jewellery events, Wine appreciation, etc.

LawWorks Pocket Guide on
Women @ Work.

Many women in the Singapore workforce face the difficult challenge of balancing their careers with traditional roles at home. In addition, working women are also vulnerable to other issues such as sexual harassment and discrimination because of their gender.

This guide seeks to help you gain a better understanding of your rights and entitlements under the law which may help you achieve a better work-life balance, as well as empower you so that you may protect yourself in the event that you encounter undesirable behaviour at your workplace.

LawWorks is a partnership between the National Trades Union Congress and The Law Society of Singapore that aims to educate employees on their legal rights, and to promote the interests of employees generally. This booklet is part of a LawWorks Pocket Series intended to provide a guide to particular areas of employment law, provide a checklist of key considerations, and point the way to avenues for further advice and assistance.

LawWorks Pocket Guide on Women @ Work Courtesy of National Trades Union Congress and The Law Society of Singapore.