“When a person collapses from cardiac arrest, the person right next to him can be the first responder who tries to resuscitate the victim as early as possible,” she says. According to Kua, who is a consultant at the department of emergency medicine at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, studies show that a cardiac victim’s chances of survival reduces by 10 percent for every minute delay in applying CPR.
Introduced three years ago, the Dare Programme was initially conceived to reach out to youths between 11 and 17, but has since begun providing skills training to adult members of the community. “Eventually, the programme hopes to train at least one person in every household in Singapore, regardless of their background, to dare to do it,” she says.
While it is no easy task, Kua is optimistic that the Dare team — composed of members of the Singapore Civil Defence Force, doctors and nurses — will make a lasting positive impact. One initiative is its myResponder app, which alerts volunteers to nearby cardiac arrest cases so as to render first aid before ambulance arrival.
“Any kind of CPR is better than none. One more person who would dare to do it is better than one less. We are hopeful about making a difference,” she reiterates.
It is possible for…anyone to have it all, especially women, as we seem to be pretty good at multitasking even if we don’t realise it ourselves. Women are just better at it than the men.
I am fortunate…to be working with good teams at work and at Dare. At home, my parents, parents-in law and my domestic helpers do a fantastic job at helping me care for my six kids: Martin, Mariesa, Mariena, Mark, Marion and Marcel.
I am blessed…with a supportive husband, who takes charge of the kitchen. I don’t think I can do what I do without a well-fed stomach!
I am proudest of…how we have raised our kids to be kind.
We should empower children to…understand that they should be brave and trust them to be sensible; that’s the only way they will venture out of their comfort zone to help others in need.
When someone calls out “mummy”…I turn instinctively to see if a child is injured and needs help.
Quality time versus quantity…is the essence of multitasking.
Success is…not a destination; it’s the continual fulfillment you find in your job, your kids on a regular school day and your life partner on a non-occasion day.
Text and Photograph Courtesy of Prestige Magazine