On 14th August 2017,we held our 19th Annual General Meeting at Sumo Bar Happy. It was a fabulous evening sponsored by Zoll. We rallied together to support the campaign Pledge It Forward as an association, which seeks to increase the number of pledgers, rather than...
OL Challenge is the first ever women’s only obstacle race in Singapore. So ladies, save the date on 11 Mar 2018 Time: 7.30am to 12.00pm OL Challenge is a movement for empowering women to shape a healthier society. This race is to show that not only men are...
Women’s Register proudly presents: WR Conversations Wednesday, 8 November 2017 6.30pm – 8.30pm (Registration starts at 6pm) The Salon (Level 1), National Museum of Singapore Come on down to the Salon, National Museum Singapore and you will get the...
Over the weekend of 23rd and 24th September 2017, we had a successful community CPR training session for the members of SCWO (Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations). It was organised by AWDS (Association of Women Doctors Singapore) with great support...
PPIS collaborated with MUIS Harmony Centre to organise an interfaith Post Hari Raya Celebration on 29th July 2017. Women representing different religious and social organizations (including AWDS) came together to celebrate the joys of Hari Raya as well...